Our Fantastick Future
Fantasy Roleplaying Game
Medium to High Crunch
A blend of old school sensibilities and modern mechanics
A fresh take on classic settings

How is Our Fantastick Future different?
Don’t worry, it’s not so different from other, very ubiquitous roleplaying systems you have probably played before. It isn’t quite the same however, if it was there would be no reason to exist! There are dozens if not hundreds of small and subtle differences of mechanics and flavor in OFF, but there are a few fundamental differences that make playing OFF feel unique.
Dice Curves
OFF primarily has the players roll sets of dice to determine the results of things like combat and skill checks. Multiple dice were chosen to obtain bell curve-like results that are more predictable so players make better decisions. It also reduces the often wild swing of combat with single dice. Big hits and misses occurring more rarely and matter more. Most rolls use 3d6 but that can be changed to 2d6 or 4d6 if the player is disadvantaged or has the advantage.
Modern Take on Vancian Magic
A fresh new look at the classic Vancian style magic system. PCs still need to memorize spells, but there are key differences. The size of a spell is what matters, not the level. Each wizard's brain can only hold so much and it is up to them to "fill" their brain however they see fit. Maybe they only want 1 huge powerful spell, or a mix of small and medium spells. Also, every spell that is memorized gives the wizard access to cantrips, smaller chunks of the larger spell that can be cast freely until the "mother" spell is finally cast. Memorize the spell The Effervescent Electrical Outburst and until you use it you can cast Stunning Touch, Arc Weld, and Plasmatic Light for free.
Simple But Strategic Combat
OFF’s mechanics are designed to give PCs bonuses to apply to their combat skills, and these bonuses grow as the PC advances, becoming more and more valuable. You get to decide HOW to use your points during combat. You divvy up this bonus and apply portions of it to Attack rolls, Defense bonus, Damage rolls, and even Initiative. You need to balance attack vs defense, speed vs power. This gives you opportunities to try different strategies and manipulate the flow of combat.
More Player Control
You are given more control over the narrative and how events in the game affect their character. In particular, PCs have 3 traits that work together like “hit points”. One for mental stress, one for physical stress, and one for direct physical injury. Whenever your PC takes damage you get to decide how to apply those points against those 3 traits. This not only controls the mechanics of how the PC is damaged, but lets you define the narrative in game to reflect that choice. For example, let’s say your PC was hit by an arrow for 5 points of damage. You can choose to apply all or most of the points against your PC’s Stamina trait and explain to everyone how the arrow hit hard on your shoulder, but you rolled with the blow, so the arrow didn’t penetrate.


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